One-to-one lessons
I love teaching flute players of all ages and abilities both on and offline. The emphasis is always on understanding the individual and helping them to help themselves both as a flautist and a person.
Only when we really identify our strengths and weaknesses as people can we begin to unlock our full potential as musicians
I have over 30 years experience and would love to help you to get the most out of your playing and full-fill your musical dreams. Everyone is different so rather than write here I, would prefer to listen to you and find out what you need!
I offer regular lessons, one-off consultations and performance coaching towards auditions, competitions and concerts.
Prices range from £25 - £60 depending on length and Zoom/Live status! Please also have a look at 'Workshops'
Please contact me on the form at the top of the website - I will be delighted to help you.
flute lessons to Grade 8 and beyond
consultation lessons for those planning to audition for conservatoires or enter competitions
performance coaching – not just for flautists
‘Confidence through Communication’ - a short course, ideal for those wishing to improve their solo performing and communication skills
Confidence through Communication
A crash-course of just three sessions, culminating in two community performances that will improve your communication skills and free you from the inhibitions that hinder you as a performer.
We will look at strategies for dealing with performance nerves, lack of confidence, fear of speaking to your audience and most importantly put it all into practise. By focusing on your audience needs you will learn to take the pressure away from yourself and release the musician that you want to be.
I have been involved with the “Live Music Now!” scheme for over 20 years as a performer and have become passionate about taking music to a wider community. As a teacher and mother of teenagers I aspire to helping young people to be all that they can and want to be. Too often I witness talented young performers suffer from lack of confidence which inhibits communication and technique and in turn feeds doubt.
This short and flexible course is manageable alongside A-levels or a Uni course and will transform your approach to auditions and competitions as well as help with interviews. The format:
Session 1
Preparation– a meeting or call to plan a suitable programme. We will take into consideration audience needs, your needs and any repertoire that you need to ‘air’.
Session 2
Rehearsal of repertoire with me as your piano accompanist
Work on presenting your programme in a suitable manner for the audience.
Session 3 - Concert day!
We will give two (or sometimes three) performances of 35-40 minutes in community venues in one day! These are likely to be a care home and a primary school (with the potential to play in a hospital or special school as well). Students will be encouraged to find venues themselves as creating work is a vital skill for any would-be musician. I can arrange the concerts if this proves to be a problem.
At the end of the course, you will have faced your fears, aired pieces you need to perform and hopefully enjoyed the confidence that comes from performing to a non-critical audience.
The cost is £200/300 for a minimum of 5 hours contact time depending on amount of rehearsal and how much input you have into finding performance venues.