Apologies that there has been a break!
I had hoped to move to Autumn and run a competition in Oct 2023 to avoid clashes with the British Flute Society competitions that run in early spring. For personal reasons I regrettably I have decided not to run the competition this year but I am full of ideas and have some great people in the pipeline to judge and give feedback when we resume in Autumn 2024. Meanwhile I will leave information from 2022 up so that you can get a feel for what it's all about!
Watch this space!
From 2022.....
We are very much looking forward to receiving entries from all over the globe and this year our 'theme' is music that is loosely inspired by folk, traditional and ethnic music from anywhere in the world or you can improvise!
Here is the 'small print'. If you would like to enter, please fill in the form below and make payment to guarantee your place. Entries open on Jan 24th. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch by email enquiries@nicolawoodward.uk
Thank you and best of luck!
Your performance can include absolutely anything, but must be solo flute works ( originals or transcription ). This year we ask that at least part of your programme is either an improvisation OR is a traditional piece of music OR is loosely inspired by folk, traditional or ethnic music from anywhere in the world. You are encouraged to step way from the Western Classical tradition and see where it leads you!
A) 14 years and under on 31st Aug 2021
Fee £20. Adjudicators; Wissam Boustany and Nicola Woodward. Time guide 5 mins
B) 18 years and under on 31st Aug 2021
Fee £25. Adjudicators; Anna Noakes and Nicola Woodward. Time guide 6 mins
C) 24 years and under on 31st Aug 2021
Fee £30. Adjudicators; Wissam Boustany and Nicola Woodward. Time guide 8 mins
D) 25 years and over on 1st Sept 2021
Fee £30. Adjudicators; Anna Noakes and Nicola Woodward. Time guide 8 mins
E) Amateur – 19 years and over on 1st Sept 2021 - flautists who have not studied music for further education, older beginners and those who play for a hobby etc.
Fee £30. Adjudicators; Wissam Boustany and Nicola Woodward. Time guide 8 mins
Please contact Nicki, in strictest confidence if the entry fees are prohibitive as there bursaries available
All competitors will receive constructive written feedback from two adjudicators, a certificate and an invitation to the Winner's Concert and Seminar on Zoom.
There are over £1,000 worth of prizes - grateful thanks to the adjudicators, Tony Dixon Whistles, Hobgoblin and Edition Peters
- Lessons with the adjudicators
- Tony Dixon - convertible folk-flutes/whistles - a brilliant idea and a great way to get started with traditional Irish music
- Auditor tickets to Wissam's inspirational Masterclasses
- A day ticket to Nicola's Flute Weekend in May
- Hobgoblin Music - vouchers for any of the 9 Hobgoblin folk/trad music stores
- Edition Peters Volumes of 'Die Soloflote' Baroque/Classical/Romantic/C20th - an extraordinarily good value series of volumes covering much of the standard repertoire for unaccompanied flute
- The complete CD's of - Koechlin's Chants de Nectaire - 96 pieces for unaccompanied flute
Please announce your name, category you are entering (A, B, C, D or E) composer/s and pieces before you play but as part of the same recording. The speaking is not part of your time limit and may be done by someone else ie. a parent, teacher or friend if necessary. Both your spoken introduction and all flute pieces must be recorded IN ONE AND THE SAME TAKE,
Please try to stay within the time guidelines - don't feel obliged to fill the time - sometimes less is more!
Please put your name and category as the title of your video.
Quality of performance is more important that the quality of recording equipment but please do give some thought to placement of the camera/phone!
Please fill in and send the application form and payment. Film your performance on a mobile phone or any other device, upload it to YouTube and send the link to the link to enquiries@nicolawoodward.uk . Make sure that your video does not expire before 27th April and that it is set to 'UNLISTED'.- this means that only people with the link may view. We will only share the video with competition adjudicators and administrators. Whilst we will do all that we can to help you, it is your responsibility to make sure that your video available at the specified time in order to enter the competition.
We have just extended the deadline - Application forms to enquiries@nicolawoodward.uk by midnight on Wed 23rd March
Please upload your video and submit the link by midnight on Thurs 14th April
Results will be emailed out by Wed 27th April
Winners Concert and Seminar online on Thurs 5th May 6pm
Instructions on how to upload a video do can be found at the bottom of this email.
Winners will be invited to perform from their homes via Zoom on a live broadcast on YouTube as part of the final Winners Concert and Seminar on Thurs May 5th at 6pm
If you are not happy to perform Live online that is perfectly acceptable and will not affect your chances of winning!
When you submit a video you are agreeing that it may be viewed by any of the 3 adjudicators. Your video will not be used further without your prior permission.
The final Zoom seminar may be recorded and uploaded to YouTube as a public video.
Safe-guarding - as set out above in 'To Enter', your video will only be shared with relevant adjudicators and competition administrators. U18 must use a parent/guardian email on the entry form as we cannot correspond directly with anyone who is U18 years of age.
We will endeavour to honour everything set out as above, but if Covid throws anything unexpected we reserve the right to make changes. Refunds will only be made in exceptional circumstances. Please be aware that we cannot be responsible for any videos that are not accessible at the time of adjudicating. Thank you for your understanding.
* How to upload a video to YouTube
1- Open YouTube and select the icon in the top right corner with 'your channel' logo
2- A tab will pop up - click on 'your channel'
3- Once you are looking at 'your channel' and videos, select the icon with a camera and a plus sign in it
4- Press 'upload video'
5 - Drag or select your video; then scroll down and there is an option - select ' no its not made for kids'
6 - Scroll down and press 'next'
7- Click 'unlisted' - this will mean that no-one can see your video unless you send them the link
8- Copy and paste the link and send it to enquiries@nicolawoodward.uk with your name and category as a title.
If you are over 50 and this is proving a nightmare - without wishing to be age-ist we can accept a small number of videos via WhatsApp! Please don't let the tech stop you!
Policy re. the current situation in Ukraine
As competition organiser I find myself in the difficult position of making a political statement when deciding whether or not to allow the inclusion of Russian participants.
We are all equals and music speaks to us regardless of nationality or religion. While music cannot ignore politics - it can and should rise above it. However, given the utter devastation in Ukraine, the debate around sporting events and the many calls to ban Russian culture, the situation cannot be ignored. While the instinctive reaction of many is to impose sanctions in every way possible, it is clear that this is not every Russian's war, nor is it the only injustice being committed on our planet. Many are unaware of the full facts or are taking huge personal risks to protest and therefore need more than ever to be included and heard. My response is to donate a significant proportion of Flute Flight’s competition entry fee to Ukrainian causes and to ask competitors to understand that by entering the competition, they are supporting Ukrainian victims of war.
Many thanks for your understanding during these turbulent times.
When you are ready to confirm your entry, please click on the buttons below to make your payment: